Why the NHS needs to change
The NHS really is something we are lucky to have in the UK.
Especially when you compare our health service to that of most other countries and hear how people struggle to get the help they need because they can’t afford it!
But time and time again now we are seeing how NHS is struggling with funding.
They do INCREDIBLE work, but I do believe for them to be appropriately funded some of their mentality needs to change, especially when it comes to parts of how they deal with chronic health problems.
For so many people they do great work, save lives, and help to get symptoms under control quite often.
However, in my health practice I’ve had clients in the past have been feeling better than ever, transformed their health, but still the doctors want to suggest more medication, and sometimes even surgery.
One crazy example was with a client of mine who had an appointment with his consultant when 2 months into a programme working with me.
The doctor suggested he go on a strong biological drug, and may need surgery in the future, which not only comes with awful side effects, but is also VERY expensive to the NHS.
All of this was mentioned to my client DESPITE THE FACT that in the 2 months leading up to the appointment his bowel movements had dropped from 15 times per day, to between 1 and 3, and he was feeling fantastic.
It’s things like this that will be putting a huge strain on NHS funding.
Don’t mistake me, I am not saying that a doctor’s approach is wrong, and that you should abandon it completely.
Or that drugs and surgery never help.
But they aren’t long term solutions…
…and when confronted with a patient who has made significant progress from the changes we’ve made together then that should be celebrated, not dismissed with more drugs or surgery!
At the very least the doctor could have taken more interest in the steps my client had taken to get there, so he could perhaps share it with future patients who are also struggling .
The problem with the NHS approach to chronic health problems is they rarely care what caused them or want to focus on improving health in a person (as opposed to just trying to mask their symptoms).
I’m NOT a doctor and I don’t pretend to be, but I do believe there is much that can be done differently to help people feel better long term when suffering with their health.
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