Should You Avoid Red Meat?
Summer is well and truly here now (in the UK) and I’m loving it.
One of the best things about summer has to be having a good BBQ.
I don’t know about you but I find I eat about 10 times as much food as I normally would when it’s time for a BBQ.
Burgers, sausages, pork steaks, prawns, lamb chicken kebabs. It all goes on! If it was just a ‘normal’ dinner or lunch, a kebab would likely do…
…but because it’s a BBQ we need to add just about every other meat we can think of (or is that just me??).
A lot of people would be fearful of many of the foods I mentioned above.
You see, many of them are red meats, and red meat seems to get a lot of bad press.
There’s the report in the media that red meat can lead to heart disease, and I regularly consult with people who say they can’t digest red meat or they have heard they need to avoid it.
There’s a few things to explain here…
Food Quality
Many of the studies that the media report on when it comes to red meat don’t take into account the quality of the red meat in the study.
They might compare, for example, some chicken breast with a shop bought burger (that contains some poor-quality beef plus a lot of other processed ingredients used to preserve the meat, change the taste, and bind it all together).
A pack of burgers in the shop will contain things such as wheat flour, yeast extract, maltodextrin, and preservatives.
Those ingredients should not be included in a study looking purely at red meat!
I’m not sure why this is but studies actually show that those people who do eat more red meat also tend to have more unhealthy lifestyle aspects than people who eat less.
For example, they might be smokers, drink more alcohol, eat less vegetables, etc.
This makes the studies unfair in terms of comparisons between the groups as there are many other factors to take into account.
As mentioned above, quite often the people they look at who do eat red meat, don’t eat so many vegetables.
But vegetables are hugely important for our health and can help to offset any negative effects (if there are any) of eating red meat.
If you do find that eating red meat is a problem for you it could be a lack of enzymes and/or a lack of sufficient stomach acid (and possibly a failure to chew it properly) causing you to have a much harder time breaking it down.
In those cases, helping to restore your enzymes and stomach acid levels (done through changing diet, addressing underlying infections and chewing your food properly!) can often be beneficial.
In many ways, the bad press around red meat is like that around multivitamins.
We often get people comment on our posts saying that it’s been shown that multivitamins don’t have any benefit.
But again that’s because of the poor-quality products that have been looked at.
Very rarely are supplements the same between brands, and that’s certainly the case with multivitamins.
Comparing our Multi with something on the high street is like comparing a fillet steak with a cheap nasty burger van burger.
When we created our Advanced Multi, we set out to make the best possible multi that we could, the best one on the market. The ingredients and the doses used are optimal for health, not profit margins.
And that means it is a LOT more effective than almost all the products out there.
Our use of Folate (as 5-MTHF) instead of the synthetic folic acid, is just one example of an ingredient that makes it MUCH more effective, even though it costs us a lot more to produce. There are many other examples like that.
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