Why Detox cleanses could make joint pain worse
If you’re determined about living without pain …
Or at the very least, reducing your daily pain levels ...
This blog will be the most helpful one you’ll read today.
But first, let me ask you this question:
Did you know that the common go-to natural remedy many use to battle with chronic main doesn’t actually work?
What’s worse, it could actually make the daily aches much worse long term…
See, for decades researchers have known that inflammation is the cause of chronic joint pain.
When this groundbreaking news saw the world all that time ago, various detox diets became extremely popular.
But the problem with these detox juice cleanses is they don’t actually work.
Here’s what I mean.
Your body has a natural detoxification system.
Your liver, lungs, and skin are all well prepared for getting rid of toxic substances we encounter every day.
It’s true that when this natural detoxification system becomes overwhelmed…
And your body gets hit with constant inflammation triggers….
The system starts giving up, inflammation takes over and can damage organs and tissues in your body.
But the trouble with juice cleanses is, they work as a plaster to a big, gaping, bloody wound.
A juice cleanse might temporarily pause the existing inflammation from damaging your joints...
But once the 7 or 14 days are over, and you’re back to supplying your body with the triggers, it restarts the inflammation.
So if detoxes don’t work, are there any other ways to put out the inflammation?
The first plan of action is to always start with your diet.
See, over the decades, researchers found that the most common triggers of joint damaging inflammation actually come from foods we eat.
The most common suspects are:
Some people do just fine with these food groups…
Others not so much.
So the only way to know whether these foods affect your health or not is to start by eliminating them all together…
And then slowly adding them in to see if there’s any negative effect.
But that’s not all.
While it’s a good idea to give your body a breather from constantly fighting the inflammation…
You can also help it heal faster in a natural way.
It’s a bit like gardening.
Can your plants grow just fine with good soil, water, and sun? Sure.
But using nutrient-packed, natural, and organic fertilizer will help your plants grow faster, stronger, and healthier.
Luckily research suggests there are 5 kitchen cupboard staples that can help to reduce inflammation and better support your body’s recovery.
These are:
But it’s important to keep in mind…
While all of the above natural remedies have healing properties, they can’t work wonder if you don’t eliminate the triggers first.
Speak soon!
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