17 Ways To Feel Better
As a company it’s our mission to help as many people as possible feel happier and healthier…
There are MANY ways to do that, and everyone needs something a little different, but I’ve put together 17 tips below that can be a great starting point for almost everyone…
1. Start each day with a party!
How you start your day can have a huge effect on your mood for the next 24 hours.
If you fall out of bed, moaning how tired you are, before rushing out the door because you are running late, then that’s not setting a good tone for the day.
But if you get out of bed and do something that makes you happy (perhaps play some of your favourite songs or watch your favourite comedian) then that puts you in an upbeat positive happy mood.
And that can continue for the rest of the day.
2. Get Outside
Spending all day inside can affect our vitamin D levels, our hormones, our heart health, and how well we sleep.
Make an effort to get outside each day (in the morning if possible) and move, even if only for a short while.
3. Be Grateful
Think about all the things you are grateful for in your life.
Many of us lead fantastic lives, full of love, wealth and opportunity, but place greater focus on the few that aren’t going our way.
When you have an attitude of gratitude, you can’t be stressed, or feel unhappy, because you are realising everything that is great about your life.
4. Worry Less
The majority of the time, we worry about things that we have absolutely no control over.
If you can’t control it, or if you have done all you can do remedy the situation, then there really is no point in worrying about it.
I know that’s easier said than done, but it’s always worth remembering.
“Worrying works…90% of the things I worry about never actually happen”
5. Hydrate
Drinking enough water each day is such a simple, powerful way to feel better but so many people drink nowhere near enough.
If you are dehydrated even a small amount, then you won’t feel as good as you possibly could.
6. Choose to Feel Happy
Again, easier said than done this one, but at any one moment in time, the emotion that you are feeling is YOUR decision.
If you are feeling happy, then you have made a decision to feel happy.
If you are sad, then you have decided to be sad.
If you are stressed then again, that is your decision.
Sure, some of the events around us that aren’t within our control can push us in the direction of happiness / sadness / stress but it is still our decision as to how we react to them.
7. Sweat
Sweating is a great way to help the body detoxify.
For many people (not everyone admittedly) it can also be great for the skin.
Therefore, making sure you sweat a few times a week can be a great way to feel and look better!
8. Eat Real Food
The food we put in our body is so important.
If we eat heavily processed foods, it can add to the inflammation, our bodies can find it hard to digest, and it provides us with very little nutrients. Doing that will mean there is no way we will feel as healthy as possible.
Sure, everyone responds differently to different foods, but making sure the majority of your diet comes from real foods, that you can pronounce the ingredients of, is a great starting point!
9. You Don’t Need To Eat All The Time
Some people seem to think that if they don’t eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, with snacks between each meal, they will waste away.
I appreciate some people need to add weight but, for the majority of the population, the occasional gap between meals, or even occasionally missing a meal completely, isn’t always a bad thing.
Giving your gut a rest can often help you to feel much better. That doesn’t apply to everyone, but for many it can.
10. Do things that make you forget to check your phone
Switching your phone off (as well as the computer and TV) really isn’t as terrifying as it might sound to a lot of people!
11. Feed your gut bugs
Our gut health has a huge impact on how you feel.
It affects, mood, inflammation, immune system and more.
A number of things can affect gut health, but things such as fermented foods like kefir and sauerkraut are often used and found to be beneficial for many people.
We do sell some friendly bacteria supplements including “Advanced Flora” and “Advanced Protection”.
We also see many people with infections (bad bugs) which can be causing huge problems. A stool test such as that at the link below can help to identify these…
12. Energy Drinks won’t give you energy
Not for the long term at least.
If you are fatigued, something is causing that, and a drink that’s filled with sugar or sweeteners might give a very short-term boost but long term it’ll be causing more problems.
Use the other tips here to help or get in touch for more support.
We also have a range of energy supplements available here https://autoimmuneinstitute.com/pages/energy-booster-bundle
13. Surround Yourself with Amazing People
I’m a big believer you are the average of the 5 people you spend most time with.
Are they uplifting, happy, healthy and kind?
Or quite the opposite?
If the latter, find some new friends!
14. Be Mindful of Toxins
Most people are aware of how the food we eat can affect our health.
But the toxins our bodies are exposed to each day can – for some – play a big part too.
Chemicals, mould, heavy metals, etc can all have a huge impact on how you feel and minimising that is important.
As a starting point, make sure you have no mould in your house.
15. Sleep well
There’s not really anything diet, lifestyle or supplement wise that can help you feel better after a terrible night’s sleep.
Except a good night’s sleep!
Sleep has to be a priority for better health.
16. Enjoy Life
Above all else have fun.
Enjoy life – laugh each day – it’s the best medicine there is!
17. Supplements
In reality, we like to think that all of the supplements we offer, when used at the right time, for the right person, can help someone to feel much better.
In an ideal world we’d get all we need but that’s pretty impossible these days, due to various reasons, and so the right supplements can often help a huge amount.
To find out more about our range for specific issues then visit https://autoimmuneinstitute.com/pages/health-needs
© 2025 Autoimmune Institute.
71-75 Shelton Street Covent Garden, London WC2H 9JQ United Kingdom. Wellness Autoimmune Ltd. All rights reserved.