UK has a nutrient problem, and as a doctor I wanted to find a solution that's backed by science and research.
I'm going to expose the real reason why you can't trust the nutrient labels on food produced by big companies out there...
And why no matter how much you're watching what you eat, you're still most likely to be deficient in nutrients...
These 2 startling truths you're about to find out could directly impact your life and the lives of everyone you know and love.
What does this mean?
Well it means that whatever you're eating today is not as nutritious as you're made to believe. Not anymore.
In fact, it is scientifically proven over and over again that our diet is much poorer in nutrients than that of our grandparents.
And this problem is deeper and more serious than you think.
But before I go there, there's something else you need to know...
Some of you might have even suspected this yourself... and your gut feeling is right!
Research shows that out of the many nutrients labelled on a product, only 7% matches the quantities on the label.
The nutrients label in the supermarket can be wildly inaccurate. And a lot of people are fooled by them.
The problem is, big brands can get away with exaggerated claims about nutrients and calories.
And next time you're buying groceries and reaching for that box that loudly claims "low fat", "multigrains", "zero trans fat" and "fortified" know this...
You're not making the best choice for your health, but being fooled by misleading ads and packaging.
And that’s not even the worst of it…
Remember the government's “5-a-day” campaign to encourage you to eat 5 portions of fruits and veggies a day?
Well, there are 2 things that went completely wrong with it...
Number #1, the campaign is not based on "real" science.
The specific number "5" portions was chosen because it sounds "doable" and easy...
But a lot of people think the "recommended" means "best"...
When it's not even the BARE minimum we need to get to be HEALTHY.
It makes us underestimate exactly how much fruits and veggies we really need in a day...
When we actually need up to 7-8 portions a day.
But a lot of people think they can make do with less than the BEST.
And eats 3 or less portions a day!
Which means we're depriving ourselves of important nourishments.
Number #2, brands and big corporations are skipping the use of official logo and making their own...
Which means that what you think is a 1 portion out of 5 might not even meet not even meat the minimum 80g.
So while you're out here thinking, you're eating enough veggies...
You might be completely wrong.
The worst part of this is that the 5-a-day is a "one-size-fits-all" recommendation...
Would you wear a one size fits all shoes?
Definitely not. It's not comfortable to walk in...
In fact (besides making you feel ridiculous) it poses a danger to your health and wellbeing...
There's actually a better measuring stick for how much greens you should eat in a day.
It's called the ODI or the "Optimum Daily Intake"...
This is an innovative new guideline scientists and physicians all over the world are using to see how much salad you need daily to keep healthy.
So instead of using the "5-a-day" rule of thumb... that doesn't even meet actual daily requirement...
ODI helps us measure nutrients beyond just our "survival" mode...
But moves us to FLOURISHING health.
Doesn't this just get you wondering...
Thing is, because big corporations need to appear to be doing their best to help you eat better...
Without actually doing anything to raise the quality of their products (which gets in the way of their profit-making)...
They do endless marketing efforts to lull you with all these meaningless health jargons on their packagings... (which is cheaper)
And why not? To them these dirty tactics may make us sick, but it still brings in the money. And that's all that matters.
And it doesn't help that you have another problem which makes this worse...
This one is more sinister because it lulls you into a false feeling of comfort...
And before you know it, you're in deep trouble..
-- Worrying nutrient deficiency in farmed foods...
I'm going to share with you all about the root cause of this problem...
If you're feeling skeptical, hey I get it...
I take everything I hear these days with a pinch of salt too...
But here, let me ask you this...
If what we eat is as nutritious as it was in the 1950s...
And eating 5 portions of any sort of fruits everyday is enough to keep us healthy...
Then why has the life expectancy of men and women in the UK has stalled in recent years?
(Notice that our progress has flatlined since 2013 and it's got getting better!)
Source: ONS (2000-2019), PHE (2020)
Maybe you didn't know that...
Or maybe you're thinking that living till 80 doesn't sound so bad...
But think about your quality of life in those years? Will those 80 years be quality years if you're lacking nutrients?
And why stop at 80 when we can do better? Did you know that the average life expectancy in certain parts of Japan go up to 100 years!
So you see, we CAN do better.
And I know what you're thinking...
Why should you take my word for it?
Well first of all these are all scientifically proven facts...
But beyond that, I'm an M.D., a health specialist with more than 3 decades of experience behind me...
So far, my lab-researched remedy to this mess has made tremendous difference to thousands of people from all over the world...
People like...
I only have to take 1 instead of many
“I have been using this multivitamin and mineral supplement for a few months now. And I have found this product to be very beneficial with its proper doses of the right type of vitamins; one which I take daily. The fact that it’s vegan is also great. I highly recommend it.”
- Lucy M | Verified Customer
I only have to take 1 instead of many
“I have been using this multivitamin and mineral supplement for a few months now. And I have found this product to be very beneficial with its proper doses of the right type of vitamins; one which I take daily. The fact that it’s vegan is also great. I highly recommend it.”
- Lucy M | Verified Customer
Whether you're a man or a woman...
39 or 74 years old...
Or if you're tall, short, overweight or underweight...
You don't have to worry.
And if I sound really confident about this product... well I have good reason for this too.
You see, while I was studying I found out I had an autoimmune condition.
It took years before I figured out the diet that worked for me...
After going through that, I made it my life's mission to help others eat right...
Because our body need very specific nutrients to thrive.
So after I graduated, I put all my focus on energy on understanding how our body interact with nutrients... the food that we put in our body.
But what you need to hear now is this...
I've worked with thousands of patients and customers who had problems ranging from fatigue, malnutrition, body aches and yes, autoimmune diseases...
And here's what I found out... there's endless evidence that what we eat today is NOT as nutritious as they once were.
But it's sad how...
No matter how much greens and nutrition we think we're taking...:
And what can you do to make sure this is not your fate?'
At this point, we know that our world is a mess. Technological advancements aside, the very food we eat is stripped of nutrients.
Our air and water are polluted...
We're breathing, eating and drinking toxins everywhere we go...
Not to forget, we're feeling stressed at almost ALL stages of our lives...
We're constantly attacked left, right and center by environmental toxins that damages our body... and because of this we actually need MORE nutrients these days than in our grandparents' time.
It's like a double whammy...
And on top of that we're facing reduced life expectancy?
Do you, like me, feel that something is not quite right here?
What gives?
As I have been hinting earlier, we might not be able to rely on what fruits and vegetables grown today for our nutritional needs...
These results are staggering!
Another research found that our food are declining in content of:
▶️ Protein
▶️ Phosphorus
▶️ Calcium
▶️ Vitamin A
▶️ Vitamin B2
▶️ Vitamin C
▶️ Iron
... almost for all the fruits and vegetables analysed. And there are countless more studies discovering similar things!
Another study discovered that for every orange our grandfather ate, we need to eat 8 to match the nutrient content!
I mean oranges are great! They help improve your immune system, eyesight and skin health ...
But eating 8 in ONE sitting sounds crazy to me...
And that's just to match 1 fruit per day. But as I said earlier... you need at least 8 portions per day to stay healthy...
This means you need to eat 64 oranges to meet you daily nutrients!
That's why when I delved into these studies... I was flabbergasted.
Agriculture may have given us an abundance of food supply... but it failed to give us enough nutrients...
"Soil depletion" is not going away anytime soon.. and with every harvest, our problem grows more serious.
It almost feels hopeless...
How do we fight back when the problem is so much bigger than you thought?
But here's the thing. The solution is easier than you think.
And to help you with this, I went deep into research to know how to formulate a multivitamin that has exactly what your body needs.
This multivitamin has to be high-quality, easily absorbed and contains no unneeded fillers.
I've got 2 reasons:
#1 – Because eating more fruits and veggies wouldn't cut it anymore. And I can't keep recommending this to people with a free conscience...
#2 – And whatever 5-a-day portion you're getting from the grocer are unreliable. It was created for a random "average" person that doesn't even exist.
What the government did was to give people an "achievable" daily dose of the greens...
But it didn't really work...
And now, big brands are faking the logos and labelling everything as your 5-a-day...
They're using fake health terms and misleading packaging...
Until you can't tell which food is really healthy and how many you really need to meet your Optimum Daily Intake ODI...
Plus, you're surrounded by toxins in the air, water and food that you consume and it will take its toll...
So do you really want to leave your body and health to untrustworthy big corporations who want to squeeze you out of your pennies?
Or do you want to give your body everything it needs to thrive all through your golden years?
You see, as a medical professional with decades of experience under my belt, I know a thing or two about what helps the body flourish.
And whatever my recommendations, it comes from a place of caring. My own need to have the peace of mind that I have helped you nourish you body with the best micronutrients.
I don't want you to just live, I want to help you feel alive every day of your life...
With enough energy to have fun with your family...
With a good mood to motivate your daily life...
With a well-nourished body that will give you strength to do what you love...
And to live a meaningful and quality life...
Trust me…
As a senior health specialist and after decades in this field, I have seen thousands of "mysterious" health cases...
You see, I've always ordered the full range of blood tests for patients who are lucky enough to see me.
To help them with their diet, it was important for me to look at their mineral levels, vitamin, protein, liver health and more...
But what I discovered shook me.
Even for my patients who eats 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day...
Almost ALL of them were plagued with various nutrient deficiencies!
I couldn't believe how common this was...
Many times I ordered a second set of test, just to make sure what I was seeing was true.
But they always come back saying the same thing...
That even those who eat nutritious food every day and follow healthy diets...
Weren't getting enough nutrition in their food anymore.
I was dumbfounded.
I needed to let the world know that we're headed for crisis.
But my appeal to various elected heads and government bodies went nowhere...
So I changed my steps, I needed to find a solution that I personally know can work.
I joined forces with my health team at Autoimmune Institute and worked for years to find the best support for nutrients that can truly help people...
And finally discovered a unique formula that is unlike any other...
A formula where the body can absorb as much of the nutrient as it needs, without overwhelming the body with what it doesn't need.
And I know, a lot of naysayers out there will try to tell you it's better to eat "real" fruits and veggies...
But as a medical professional, I need to tell you that this is not enough anymore.
Because here's the problem...
The multis you get today are filled up with useless fillers...
And the rest of the ingredients are made from the lowest quality stuff.
That's why you can get them for cheap. At best they're empty calories with nutrients your body can't absorb...
At worst toxic and damaging to your health.
And when I tested these multis, I found that many of them don't even contain the nutrients they claim to have.
But they're still out there, being sold to people like you!
Of course there are products out there that are "better".
But my problem with them is they're not made by someone with medical training...
Someone with the experience and skills to hand-pick the right vitamins and minerals for optimal, absorbable multivitamins.
Something that would actually work for you.
They don't know what I know after years of seeing lab tested results...
And worse, they were manufactured to maximise profit!
Not made by doctors, but factories...
That difference between this, and something tested and formulated by a medical professional is HUGE.
So not only those prepackaged and portioned fruits and veggies not enough for you...
Even the vitamins you take are not helping!
They offer you false comfort while taking your hard-earned income.
And now your body is NOT as healthy as you thought it would be...
Then when you're really sick, even the doctors can't figure out why..
You're told unhelpful things like eat fibre rich foods, drink more water and get more sleep..
And of course, it leaves you feeling frustrated...
Like you've wasted your time... and taking drugs with side effects you don't know about...
Because even if they're not out to get you, they're not equipped with the science...
They haven't personally met the patients and studied their bloodwork like I have...
They don't understand how nutrients interact with you immune system and gut...
And they're clueless about how dairy, soy, gluten and lectins can ruin your digestion..
How they work over time to ravage your body and mind... causing further damage to your nutrient starved body...
And this is why...
So now, after many years of vigorous research and testing, I've developed a formula for daily optimum intake...
It is made with high-quality absorbable ingredients that will round off your nutrient needs.
This is one of my proudest life work, and one of the best multivitamin out in the market today.
And after decades of working with thousands of patients, I've perfected my formula...
That's why thousands of people from all over swear by my product...
It is created with by health professionals who understand the underlying issues...
And today I want to share it with you..
Exactly what most people with autoimmune disease need
“I’ve recovered from an autoimmune disease and I was so alone in my battle and research. I highly recommend this particular product as a good all-round-go-to product. I love the information they provide and the quality is top-notch. I’m so grateful that you’ve created this company.”
- Kerry W | Verified Customer
Exactly what most people with autoimmune disease need
“I’ve recovered from an autoimmune disease and I was so alone in my battle and research. I highly recommend this particular product as a good all-round-go-to product. I love the information they provide and the quality is top-notch. I’m so grateful that you’ve created this company.”
- Kerry W | Verified Customer
Rich with 29 essential pharmaceutical-grade nutrients. In the most bioavailable forms for maximum absorption and ultra effectiveness.
UK’s #1 Intelligently-Formulated Multivitamin
Each capsule is medically engineered to help your body achieve the optimum daily intake or ODI levels… Which is 1 capsule a day!
Instead of those useless RDAs from World War II that are keeping you from living your best life.
So you can overcome the “soil depletion” trap…
And finally get the nutrients your body actually needs to function like a well-oiled machine and make you feel 10, 20, or even 30 years younger!
👉 Filled with minerals that are easily utilised by your body including Zinc, Selenium, and Iodine in their optimal forms. To support hormone balance & reduce thyroid risk.
👉6 Vitamin B types in their coenzyme and methylated forms… so that you can actually absorb them and benefit from the energy they provide. Even folks with MTHFR SNPs can benefit!
👉Magnesium for easing exhaustion and stress. Calcium for supporting bone mineral density.
👉Vitamin D3 and K in their bioavailable form to support your immune system and bone strength.
👉Vitamin A, C, E, and so much more.
But that’s just the tip of the iceberg
There are 2 critical differences that make Advanced Multi the most effective, absorbent, and scientifically researched multi on the market today…
Critical Difference 1:
I’ve included COQ10 and Alpha Lipoic Acid in my unique comprehensive formula.
Which typically isn’t found in most supplements.
Studies have shown ALA is an antioxidant powerhouse. It plays an important role in controlling blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels. Effective in reducing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and memory loss.
I’ve also found that COQ10 is effective in keeping the skin, brain, and lungs healthy.
As you can see, Advanced Multi is widely considered as an “all-in-one”, complete and comprehensive for virtually everybody.
Critical Difference 2 (Perhaps the most notable one):
Because of my medical knowledge and experience, I’m able to offer supplements you simply just can’t get anywhere else. They are of the highest quality and they only require 1 dose a day to be effective.
And people from around the world have travelled countless miles and paid thousands of dollars for just a single appointment with me.
Just to get their hands on a bottle of Advanced Multi.
After incorporating Advanced Multi into their daily routine. Their recovery stories are just inspiring…
Don't even look elsewhere, you won't buy better than these!!
"I highly recommend this Multivitamin. It only contains what your body needs, no unnecessary botanicals & no iron or copper...I am very pleased with this multi & won't be trying any others...There are so many multis on the market but these are the best money can buy & without having to pay a fortune for only take one per day. "
- Hazel W | Verified Customer
Very worthwhile purchase!
“I’m impressed. So many multivitamins are either lacking in various minerals, have low amounts of each ingredient, or have undesirable fillers. These manage to have a broad spectrum of vitamins in meaningful amounts, and without problematic fillers. I see these as a sensible way to get the vitamins and minerals I require without having to source each ingredient separately.”
- Jeanette L | Verified Customer
Absolutely brilliant product!
“I have several autoimmune problems and was so grateful to find a product specifically formulated for that problem. I’ve been taking Advanced Multi for a few months now and don’t have any days where I just want to sleep anymore.”
- Ruth G | Verified Customer
They are magic. Thanks Adv. Multi!
“I never thought these pills would work. As I always have nails that crack and never grow back. But boy was I wrong!! After using the multivitamin and mineral. I was shocked to see my nails growing and for once I had to use a nail cutter. I’m so glad that I gave these a try.”
- Karen D | Verified Customer
Praise God for this excellent product.
“My husband has been using the Advanced Multi for quite a while now. He's feeling really great and his immune system is great. He's not had colds or flu for over 3 years and does not take any medication at all except vitamins. I have been taking your vitamins as well and also no colds or flu. Praise God. Thank you so much for the excellent products.”
- Veronica W | Verified Customer
It really feels like every customer matters.
“I’m using these supplements to help with tiredness and my feeling of being out of balance with my system. I do think these have helped, especially Vitamin D, which I know I was short on. I’ll definitely continue taking these for a good number of months to come. I can’t fault Autoimmune Institute for their level of service, care and health information they circulate. It really feels like every customer matters.”
- Teri P | Verified Customer
Fortunately for you, you don’t need to go to such length for your supply of these.
Advanced Multi is perfect for anyone who:
That’s less than a cup of tea! With the overwhelming toxins and stress in your life these days, your body needs greater amounts of protective micronutrients than it normally does.
Due to depleted soil and poor water quality, awful industrial farming practices, and the horrendous way animals are raised for food these days…
It’s almost certain you’re getting fewer of these nutrients than ever before…
Advanced Multi is your insurance policy to ensure you’re getting the optimal amount of all of these micronutrients to maintain and fortify your health.
I believe protecting our immune system and elevating our health is one of the most important things you can do. I'm so confident with Advanced Multi that I fully backed them with a Risk-Free 90 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not satisfied, just contact us and we’ll refund your purchase price. No hassle, no stress, and no hard feelings… Just pure value.
Look, I understand how suffering from autoimmune disease can rob you of your joy…
Making you feel like you’ll never be the same again.
And forcing you to believe that the prime of your life is behind you.
Not only is it frustrating, but also depressing…
It can leave you feeling hopeless.
It can ruin your family, your job, and steal your livelihood…
And even make you feel like a burden to the people you care the most.
I’ve been there and I know exactly how that feels.
And that’s how many of my patients would tell me how they felt…
That is until they began taking Advanced Multi
Stop the frustrating trips to the doctor where they can’t really tell you what’s wrong…
What if you could finally do those things on your bucket list you’ve been wanting to do for years?
Woman in her 60s on a beach enjoying that sea breeze…
Like, take that cruise you’ve been eyeing with your spouse…
Or take your kids out of the country for a nice getaway…
Or just have the energy to organise that garage sale you’ve been meaning to do…
Not only is it possible, but it’s actually quite simple. If you’re supporting your body with the nutrients it needs to thrive!
I invite you to join the thousands of people who have decided to take back control of their health…
The choice is yours.
Choose one of the options below to get Advanced Multi delivered right to your door, while it’s still in stock.
You risk nothing by trying Advanced Multi, yet you could feel better than you have in years or even decades!
I’m confident you’re going to see life-changing results.
In fact, the thousands of customers who have tried Advanced Multi is living proof.
However, the best results come from longer use… that’s when your results go from great to INCREDIBLE.
You see, after 3 months of taking Advanced Multi, you’ll begin to notice fuller skin, day-long energy levels, and a boost in an overall feeling of wellbeing…
Your friends and family will probably be asking you what your secret is…
“What diet are you on?” or “What form of exercise do you do?”
They’ll be dying to know just what has caused this incredible transformation in you…
And after 6 months, don’t be surprised if you feel 20, maybe even 30 years younger.
When you order today, you have the choice of a 1-bottle, 3-bottle, or 6-bottle supply.
And keep in mind 1 bottle lasts almost 2 months on average.
Of course, you’re welcome to choose an option, though you will maximise your savings by securing your 6-bottle supply.
That’s because I want you to experience the BEST results possible–just like tens of thousands of my patients and customers are right now.
You WON’T be enrolled in an automatic billing subscription.
And you’re covered by a 90-day money-back guarantee.
Click the “BUY NOW” button below to be taken to a secure checkout page.
You can reclaim your health, your vibrant mood, energy, and feel like the bright, youthful YOU again for the cost of a cup of tea. So why not?
Click the “BUY NOW” button below immediately.
I can’t wait to hear your success story, as well.
Susan Hall, MD.
Better than Autumn Strength!
“The Advanced Multi l tablets were purchased for me and my family to take with the changing seasons & the fact that we need to help our immune systems stay as strong as possible against winter viruses. It’s helping my general wellbeing and recently I have noticed how good the skin on my face is looking. Thank you for your commitment to helping us help ourselves.”
- Amy M | Verified Customer
Couldn’t ask for a better supplement!
“I am a female and over 55. This definitely gives me more energy and a sense of feeling more positive. I also like the fact that it contains folate, which is better for your system than folic acid. Overall the mix of vitamins and minerals seem to really make a difference and I felt the benefits after a few days.”
- Rebecca G | Verified Customer
Vitamin A (as vitamin A acetate and 73% beta carotene) (800µg RE), Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) (200mg), Vitamin D3 ([Vegan] as cholecalciferol) (1000iu), Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopherol succinate) (20mg), Vitamin B1 (as Thiamin HCl) (3mg), Riboflavin (as vitamin B2 and 43% riboflavin 5' phosphate (activated B2)) (4mg), Niacin (Vitamin B3) (25mg), Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl and 38% pyridoxal 5' phosphate (activated B6)) (10mg), Folate (as 5-MTHF) (400µg), Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin) (500µg), Biotin (50µg), Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) (7.5mg), Vitamin K (as 86% Vitamin K1, 14% Vitamin K2 (MK-7)) (75µg), Iodine (as potassium iodide) (150µg), Zinc (20mg), Selenium (55µg), Manganese (as manganese citrate) (2mg), Chromium (as chromium polynicotinate) (50µg), Molybdenum (10µg), Magnesium (25mg), Calcium (50mg), Boron (as boron glycinate) (1mg), Choline (as choline bitartrate) (25mg), Inositol (25mg), CoQ10 (50mg), Alpha Lipoic Acid (50mg), Lutein (3mg), Zeaxanthin (0.5mg), Lycopene (0.5mg), Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide.
Quite simply, it’s that it combines 29 important nutrients in their most absorbable / active forms, to help support many aspects of health. It is produced in the UK to the highest possible manufacturing standards and comes in an easy to take, once daily, capsule.
There is a large amount of research available showing how the combination of ingredients that are within Advanced Multi. Therefore, we believe that the majority of people would benefit from using this product daily, on an ongoing basis.
With that said, you will save money today taking advantage of our special 3 and 6 bottle discounted packages, saving up to 20% without the worry of increasing prices and/or the addition of postage fees later on. And you’re completely protected by our 90-day money back guarantee.
Simply take 1 capsule per day, preferably with food. At this dosage, one bottle would last for 2 months.
Advanced Multi capsule is 23.3mm long (HPMC #00), which is about the length of a 1 pound coin.
Store the supplements in a cool dry place and keep them away from any exposure to heat.
Advanced Multi is gluten free, dairy free, soy free, GMO free, and suitable for vegans & vegetarians. However, if you have any concerns, you should consult your doctor prior to taking any supplement.
Advanced Multi is made with natural ingredients and is considered safe and extremely effective for nearly everyone. However, we always recommend that if you take prescription medications, have a medical condition, or are pregnant or breastfeeding then you show a bottle of Advanced Multi to your doctor and/or pharmacist for proper approval prior to using it.
This product should not be viewed as being something to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure disease or symptoms in any way. This is NOT a medicinal product. You should not take food supplements as a substitute for a varied balanced diet or healthy lifestyle.
Side-effects from this supplement are rare but please discontinue use and contact your GP immediately in the event of an adverse reaction. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Do not use if seal under cap is broken or missing.
Delivery to UK and Ireland addresses is free for orders over £50. A nominal fee of just £3.30 in the UK, and £5.50 in Ireland, is applied for orders under this amount. For Europe and other international countries, please see the complete list of delivery rates here.
This is a one time, one-off order. We obviously hope you love the product and come back to us when you want to order some more. We certainly aren’t like other supplement companies who often put people on to a subscription without making it obvious to them. You will only receive what you intentionally ordered, and nothing extra.
However, if you would prefer to be on a subscription (so you don’t need to remember to reorder each month) then just get in touch and we can help set that up for you.
Never expected it to work this well
"I’ve tried many treatments none worked so reading about your products and following your write-ups I was interested and eager to buy and try, after starting to take the multi-vitamin I definitely felt a lot better in my well being. They have made a big difference and helped me cope with daily living. So Many Thanks, God Bless."
- Yvonne S | Verified Customer
The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
(MHRA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.